Occupation: Magus Gender: Male Age (1300): 21 |
Characteristics: Intelligence +2 (Scholarly) Perception +1 (Details) Strength 0 Stamina +2 (Tireless Walker) Presence 0 Communication 0 Dexterity 0 Quickness 0 |
Abilities: Hermes Lore 3 (Politics) Magic Theory 5 (Invested Devices) Parma Magica 2 Scribe Latin 4 Speak Latin 5 Speak Provencal 4 Certamen 3 (Aurum) Craft (Chandlery) 2 Single Weapon (Short sword) 2 Scribe Greek 2 Scribe Arabic 2 Artes Liberalis 1 Philosophy 1 Affinity w/ Elements 1 |
Virtues and Flaws: Adept Student +1 Book Learner +1 Strong Writer +1 Extra Arts +1 Elementalist +5 Slow Caster -2 Infamous Master -1 (Radical Theories) Over Sensitive -1 (Comments re: his youth/inexperience) Weakness -1 (Children) Driving Goal -1 (Posses obscure texts) Study Requirement -3 |
Personality Traits: Radical 3 Scholarly 2 Out Spoken 1 |
Confidence: 3 Size: 0 Decrpitude: 0 |
Reputation: |
Arts: Creo 1 Intelligo 7 Muto 1 Perdo 0 Rego 5 Animal 0 Aquam 7 Auram 7 Corpus 0 Herbam 2 Ignem 7 Imaginem 0 Mentem 0 Terram 7 Vim 0 |
Spells: Subtle Taste of Poison and Purity (InAq 5) Voice of the Lake (InAq 25) Cloak of the Ducks Back (ReAq 5) Push of the gentle Wave (ReAq 15) Airs Ghostly Form (CrAu 1) Chamber of Spring Breezes (CrAu 5) Whispering Winds (InAu 15) Blasting Wind, Blinding Mist (MuAu 5) Broom of the Winds (ReAu 15) Tale of the Ashes (InIg 5) Vault of the Torches Flame (ReIg 5) Light Shaft of the Night (ReIg 10) Miners Keen Eye (InTe 20) Unseen Arm (ReTe 5) Trackless Step (ReTe 10) Probe Natures Hidden Lore (InHe 4) |