Occupation: Guardsman Gender: Male Age (1300): 44 |
Characteristics: Intelligence -1 (Dogmatic) Perception 0 Strength +2 (Brawny) Stamina +2 (Enduring) Presence +1 (Commanding) Communication +1 (Experienced Speaker) Dexterity +1 (Deft) Quickness -1 (Bulky) |
Abilities: Brawling 3 (knock-out punch) Shield and Weapon 6 (defending magi) Single Weapon 4 (axes) Leadership 4 (grogs) Carouse 2 (friendly drinking) Athletics 3 (running) Awareness 4 (danger to magi) Etiquette 2 (grogs) Speak German 4 (swearing) Speak Latin 1 (understanding magi) Hermes Lore 1 (covenants) Survival 2 (mountains) Chirurgy 1 (binding wounds) Legend Lore 2 (beasts) Area Lore (Swabia) 3 Climb 2 (mountains) Folk Ken 2 (grogs) Crossbows 2 (close shots) Storytelling 1 (to young grogs) |
Virtues and Flaws: Grog Leader +1 Tough +1 Strong Personality +1 Poor Hearing -1 Social Handicap (‘know-it-all servant’) –1 Uncommon Fear (out of control magic) -1 |
Personality Traits: |
Confidence: 3 Size: 0 Decrepitude: 0 |
Aging Afflictions: Fading Eyesight 0 Bad Back 0 Arthritis 1 Tires Easily 1 |